About Us
NorCal Ballers is a different type of AAU basketball program based in the Bay Area - San Ramon, CA. We focus on building players on a small dedicated team consisting of players committed to basketball.
Players learn to lead, listen, play tough, work as a team, and play smart. There is no sugar-coated coaching, expectations are set appropriately, and kids learn what they need to for improvement and to succeed. We focus on no-nonsense basketball where the team is seen more as a family and a community that grows together rather than a business.
We are not in the business of building 50 teams to maximize profits. We provide focus on individual players, focusing on quality over quantity and building a strong unified team of highly motivated and dedicated players. Kids who want to learn and are dedicated will excel. Spots are extremely limited and competitive . Attending practices and games are mandatory.

More About the
NorCal Ballers Team
Currently, for the remainder of 2023-2024 season NorCal Ballers is only looking to fill open slots on the 9U Division 1 team. For 2024-2025, this team will become a 10U team and so on through the years. The team is highly competitive.
The program runs year-round from September - end of July. The teams play in multiple tournaments a month and we make an effort to play games almost weekly.
We also attend travel tournaments a few times a year and are planning to provide additional opportunities to play in some of the largest and most competitive travel tournaments.
This program is only for dedicated and committed players. The team practices 3-4 times a week. Practice and game attendance is mandatory. Most all players have prior competitive basketball experience. Spots are extremely limited. If you are interested in having your child tryout, please reach-out to the team at info@norcalballers.org or call us at 628-333-5682.
Focus on the Right Things - Foundational Skills and Playing as a Team
At NorCal Ballers we focus on building up from the fundamentals. Many parents notice improvements in their child within weeks, because we do not focus on acquiring just the best players like many teams do to win games. We are focused on acquiring committed and dedicated players and developing from the foundation up.
We're also highly focused on playing and winning as a team. Unlike many AAU teams where players have a 'everyone for themselves' mentality, we play games with orchestrated team movement, plays and team work. Parents are continuously amazed at how their kids play so much better with the right coaching and team.